The importance of your follow-up appointments


Regardless of the device you received, the information collected at a series of follow-up appointments will contribute valuable information to researchers and doctors about the treatment of peripheral artery disease.

Your participation in the TRANSCEND trial may also have a huge impact on future generations. Your own children, or even your grandchildren, may someday benefit from your decision to take part in this research.


We can’t do it without you!
As researchers discover new ways to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure disease and disability, clinical trial participation is essential to help us find the answers.1


Your TRANSCEND journey will include important follow-up appointments

As a participant in the TRANSCEND trial, you will need to return to the office for a brief physical exam, discussion, and other tests at the following times after the procedure. You’ll also be asked to discuss your current medication and any symptoms you have experienced, on the following schedule:


Participating in these follow-up visits or calls is important for your long-term care and is critical to the TRANSCEND trial’s success. Please contact your study coordinator if you are unsure about the timing of your next appointment.


 Follow-up appointment reminder postcards


Based on your treatment date, you may receive a reminder postcard from your Study Coordinator in the mail before each approaching appointment.

Ask your Study Coordinator for more details.


  1. National Institutes of Health